Tuesday, March 18News That Matters

Why Podcasts are Taking Over the World

Podcasts have become one of the most popular media types on the internet, with more than 125 million users tuning in every week. People are listening to podcasts to learn about new topics, hear a new perspective or catch up on shows they missed. And companies are starting to notice. They’re creating their own podcasts to provide a service their website visitors already enjoy. In fact, of the more than 4,500 podcast episodes available on iTunes, Business Insider reports that around 70 percent of them are from businesses. So, what is a business to do? How can they start soundcloud plays and leverage the powerful medium to connect with their audience? Here are four ways podcasts can benefit your business.

Podcasts are highly engaging

One of the most important benefits a podcast offers is its high level of engagement. People are more likely to buy from someone they trust, and podcasts provide that connection. They allow listeners to feel like they’re in the room with their favorite speakers, and that builds trust.

Podcasts also offer a level of intimacy not found in other mediums. You can tell when people are listening to your lectures because it feels like you’re talking directly to them. And listeners will want to hear more from you after they connect with your podcast. This allows you to build relationships and grow your base of followers who will eventually become customers. So not only should you start a podcast, but make sure you’re interacting with your audience by answering questions and becoming an active participant on social media.

Podcast subscribers are highly engaged

When it comes to podcasts, the people who subscribe tend to be highly engaged. A study by Edison Research found that 74% of podcast listeners are listening to two or more episodes per week. This means that you’ll have a dedicated audience for your content.

10 health podcasts that drop expert knowledge you can trust | Well+Good

Podcasts are a great marketing tool

Podcasts are a great marketing tool. They’re a way to create unique content that will engage your audience and build trust with them. The average podcast listener is tuned in for at least an hour per week and often listens to more than one episode, which means they’ll hear your ad again and again.  Podcasts also give you the opportunity to grow your customer base by making it easy for people to subscribe and listen to your show on their own time.

They are also a great way to supplement other types of marketing efforts, like YouTube videos or blog posts. Podcasts may not be as visual as YouTube or blog posts, but they can still provide valuable information about your company that listeners find interesting and want to share with others.

Podcasts are a great way to build awareness

Podcasts are a great way to promote your business for two reasons. First, podcasts are an easy and cost-effective way to connect with your audience. Second, podcast content is different that what most people see on social media feeds. Podcasts can be a great way to build awareness for your brand, not just sell products.


Podcasts are a great way to build awareness, engage with your brand, and generate leads. With all the benefits, it’s no surprise that podcasts are taking over the world.