Saturday, March 15News That Matters

Why Mulch Does More Than Just Make Things Look Nice

The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Garden

Mulching is the single most important thing you can do for your garden or landscape, a simple effort that can potentially bring your plants back to life and avert present and future calamities. Granted, painted bits of wood can ultimately decompose into the soil, but the process is long and unattractive, and it is not designed to serve the goals that mulch should. So, which mulches are the best, and why is mulch so beneficial to your garden? At Cutting Edge, the expert landscapers are trained to handle any property large or small when it comes to Mulch- rock installation Downriver Michigan, the customers in the MI area can easily replenish their landscaping material any time.

You will get a better grasp of what mulch is and what it has designed to do if you have ever taken a trip through an undisturbed forest or stopped to truly look at what is going on under your “messy” tree in the fall. Take a look at the ground. What do you think you see? You will see something different depending on the season. Especially in the fall, you will notice a colorful blanket of fallen leaves covering everything. You may have a problem if they do this on your lawn. Those leaves are not a problem in the forest. They’re an important and appreciated part of the ecosystem.

Rock Mulch Has Its Place

Rock mulch has its place, but the way it’s been utilized in landscaping for years is a disgrace and a blunder. In terms of nutrients, rocks provide nothing to the soil. They don’t work (nor do plastic or fabric weed barriers, but that’s a different subject). They do not provide shelter to the crown and roots of shrubs, plants, and trees in a barren, scorching parking lot. They’re untidy and cause damage to equipment. The only time rock mulch should be used is when it is being used in place of plantings. Foundation strips devoid of plants, bare parking lot aisles, drains, and similar locations. Never use rock mulch on top of a weed barrier or around any type of planting.

Boost The Production Of Your Garden

Mulching will greatly boost the production of your garden and landscape, as well as provide a safe haven for the beneficial creatures required for a healthy garden ecology. Tender crowns and roots are protected, and tender plants are protected throughout the winter. They can be appealing, but before you choose a mulch based on its uniformity and apparent visual “appeal,” think about the health benefits. Nothing is more appealing to me than a robust, thriving shrub growing in perfectly black, fantastic composted soil. That beats a parking lot full of rock mulch any day.