Tuesday, March 18News That Matters

There Are So Many Uses for Solar Traffic Message Board Systems

There Are So Many Uses for Solar Traffic Message Board Systems

Outdoor advertising is a great candidate for solar-powered message boards, especially in warm climates. The boards are recharged by a battery bank in 2.5 hours. You never have to be concerned about unauthorized adjustments to the display board or robbery of the batteries since the control unit is locked, and the battery compartment is constructed of steel.

Photovoltaic traffic display board systems that are simple to install are a terrific method to start a highway message board without making a big investment. Check out articles on message board systems such as this (https://www.solarlightingitl.com/solar-message-board-systems/)

Describe the VMS Board

Electronic boards, known as variable message signs, or VMS boards, are used by both public and private organizations to alert and remind the public of any updates or changes involving traffic, public safety, local events, and much more.

The primary advantages of changeable message signs are outlined below:

  • They are adaptable.
  • They have a track record of success.
  • They can be controlled remotely.
  • A few portable VMS boards exist.

They Are Adaptable

Police divisions, emergency management organizations, public works departments, schools and universities, medical facilities, stadiums, and other organizations may educate the public and guide traffic thanks to the adaptability of a VMS board. They are frequently employed for:

  • Highway closures
  • Reminders against driving when intoxicated, distracted, speeding, and engaging in other risky driving habits.
  • Advice for navigating campuses and parking lots
  • Warnings of bad weather
  • Radar-feedback message signs are also an option for even more adaptability.
  • Electronic roadway message boards transmit bespoke pictures, chevrons, and numerous screens of text according to your demands.

When it comes to decreasing the speed of drivers who are unfamiliar with the route they are traveling on, a VMS board has one of its most effective effects. According to research published in Advances of Mechanical Engineering, even motorists who were only partially paying attention to instructions on the highway tended to slow down. These message boards are useful for directing foot traffic as well.

They Can Be Controlled Remotely

Additionally, you may configure SMS or email warnings for tampering or low battery levels.


A Few Portable VMS Boards Exist

Customers who are constantly busy and on the go have the most need to use these messaging signs. In light of this, mobility is essential. It already sounds nice to have a functional communication sign that can be controlled remotely.

What improves it further? Portability. Dealing with any circumstance that arises will be made easier if you can quickly remove it from your car (whether it is a police cruiser, truck, or even a small sedan) while setting it up in under five minutes.

There are more elements that make such signs useful for police agencies, health departments, and event organizers, so these do not represent the only advantages. A VMS board is helpful in a wide range of contexts, and their adaptability, efficiency, capability of remote control, and flexibility make them the perfect option for signs where you need to post announcements for the general public.

The use of this technology as an effective replacement for conventional message boards is growing. This is why:

Changeable Message Boards Driven By Solar Energy

LEDs serve as the main component of a solar-powered changeable message board, which relies on solar energy to operate and consumes less electricity. They may function day or night and in any lighting. They may also be programmed via a web browser running on Windows. Solar-powered portable boards are an alternative to traditional boards.

Solar-powered changeable message board devices are fully automated and employ intelligent scheduling technology to arrange messages in advance, in contrast to conventional static message boards. Additionally, you may show news depending on real-time inputs like low batteries, manipulation, or environmental conditions, thanks to conditional messaging options.

Solar-powered changeable message board systems are a great option for construction, upkeep, and other situations that need persistent, obvious signs due to their versatility.


A cost-effective solar highway message board system is a gadget that displays information to moving cars at crucial times. LED lamp panels are supplied with power by a bank of cells and convey brilliant information to the passing public.

The battery bank (https://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/solar-photovoltaic-technology-basics) is refilled by the solar panels, which are situated on the highest position of the device at an average of 2.5 hours of sunshine for each 24 hours of use. The fact that these devices are autonomous and include a qwerty keyboard is one of their distinguishing qualities.

Animations Are One Type Of Material That The Led Board May Display

With a Web-Based Control System, users may remotely update and modify the message panel content from any desktop, laptop, or smartphone. These systems are intended to aid traffic controllers in enhancing road safety and controlling traffic flow.

They come in various sizes and are perfect for areas where the maximum speed restriction is 60 km/h. Time and money may be saved with a solar traffic warning board system.

Simple to Control

Systems with solar-powered traffic message boards are an effective technique to increase traffic safety. They are long-lasting, solar-powered, and user-friendly. A browser running on Windows may be used to program them. They can operate in any lighting conditions, including at night.

If you are thinking about purchasing solar highway message sign systems for your company, take these qualities into account. These solar transportation message board solutions will enable you to increase revenue while reducing traffic-related fatalities and injuries.

The mobile solar-powered bulletin boards are perfect for traffic management, temporary messages, and emergency communications. Additionally, it provides updates for almost all brands, a sizable rental plus sales fleet, and internal maintenance services.

Simple to Install

Portable solar-powered signs called solar-changeable message boards are used for temporary and emergency communication. The largest rental fleet and a selection of solar-powered display board alternatives are available here. Complete internal repair, maintenance, and upgrade services for almost all brands. Drivers may be notified of construction and maintenance operations thanks to this adaptable signage.