Tuesday, March 11News That Matters

The Role of PAFI Karang Tinggi in Improving the Competence of Pharmacists

PAFI Karang

Pharmacy science and technology advance and both are growing, so competence is very essential for pharmacists. Besides Prescribing, selling, and supplying of medicines, pharmacists perform information and counseling services to patients concerning the appropriate usage of medicines. In an increasing complex world, the Indonesian Pharmacist Association (Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia or PAFI) in Karang Tinggi has an important responsibility of maintaining the quality of its members according to the current trends. The information in this article is based on data available on the PAFI Karang Tinggi Information System website pafikarangtinggi.org.

Strategy Applied By PAFI Karang Tinggi In Enhancing The Pharmacists Competency

PAFI Karang Tinggi implements various strategies to improve the competence of pharmacists, including:

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program:

The learning activities carried by PAFI include seminars, workshops, and training that always involve speakers from their respective professions. The topics covered include advancements in drug therapy, technology, rules and regulations among other topic that is current.

Scientific Discussions and Meetings:

The discussion forums and scientific meetings in PAFI Karang Tinggi effectively give a chance for pharmacists to share the information, their experiences and ideas. Such activities facilitate practice development and interprofessional working in rational use of pharmaceuticals.

Scientific Visits:

PAFI Karang Tinggi also organizes scientific visit to pharmaceutical industries, research laboratories and other health care institutions. This affords the pharmacists moments of observing real-life application of pharmaceutical science.

Development of the Code of Ethics:

For its part, PAFI Karang Tinggi remains keen in updating and in putting into the public arena the code of ethics of the pharmacy profession. This helps to make sure that pharmacists are always parade the right values in as far as acting as professional, moral values in performing their roles are concerned.

Effects of PAFI Karang Tinggi Program on thecompetency of the pharmacists

The programs organized by PAFI Karang Tinggi have had a significant positive effect on the competence of pharmacists in the region, including:

Increased Knowledge and Skills: The participants can has the new information and updates of their knowledge as well as their practical skills can also be enhanced through various programs.

Increased Critical Thinking Skills: Scientific discussions and meetings make the pharmacists analyze and synthesize what they have to do in the pharmacy practice whenever they meet various challenges.

Increased Awareness of Professional Ethics: The socialization of the code of ethics for the profession enables the pharmacists to appreciate principles relating to ethics in relation to the work that they are undertaking.

Benefits for the Community

Increasing the competence of pharmacists through PAFI Karang Tinggi programs will ultimately have a positive impact on the community, including:

Higher Quality Pharmaceutical Services: The community will get more services from the qualified professionals in pharmaceutical industry.

Safer and More Effective Use of Drugs: Well-trained pharmacists will therefore ensure that the public is given accurate information and counseling in the use of any drugs which in the process will reduce incidents of side effects and enhance the outcome of the therapy.

Increasing Public Trust in the Pharmaceutical Profession: The competence and professionalism of pharmacists will help to gain population’s confidence in the pharmaceutical profession.


Allow me to say that PAFI Karang Tinggi is a very effective tool that contributes to the enhancement of pharmacists’ competence significantly. In a number of educational programs and activities, the PAFI Karang Tinggi guarantees the pharmacists of the area they embraced with the most recent knowledge, skills, and professional ethics. The former will eventually be of value to the community in that improved and safer pharmaceutical services will be provided.