Wednesday, March 26News That Matters

Tag: Sacramento

The Great Sacramento Home Invasion: A Homeowner’s Wildlife Removal Journey

Home Improvement
The Strange Noises Begin It started as a faint scratching sound in the middle of the night—nothing too alarming at first, just a subtle noise that made the homeowner in Sacramento, California, sit up in bed and wonder if he was just imagining things. After all, everyone hears the occasional house creak or groan, especially in older homes. But this particular scratching sound soon grew more persistent. It wasn’t just one location either; it seemed to travel along the walls, sometimes high up near the ceiling and sometimes down near the floorboards. Over the following nights, these noises intensified and multiplied. It began with a gentle scuttling that made the homeowner think of a small rodent, but then it turned into a full-on commotion. The homeowner could distinctly hear running—r...