Monday, March 17News That Matters

Symptoms of a Faulty Sump Pump You Must Not Avoid

Symptoms of a Faulty Sump Pump You Must Not Avoid

Sump pumps are handy for removing excess water from the basement.

According to recent data, the global submersible pump market size stood at $12.95 billion in 2018.

However, if the sump pump cannot do its job of pumping water out of the basement or crawl space, it can lead to severe problems. There will be a rise in humidity levels within your home, which may invite mold growth.

If you notice a faulty sump pump, you may sense a foul odor coming from the sump pit. Another sign of a defective pump is if sewage water starts to appear in it. If these things start happening, make sure that you seek help from a contractor as soon as possible.

The following article explains the top signs of a faulty sump pump that you shouldn’t ignore.

1. It Is Difficult To Switch On The Sump Pump

If turning off and then turning on the power switch becomes a strenuous task for you, there may be leakage from existing water from the sump pit into your basement. In such cases, it is advisable to contact a service provider as soon as possible.

2. The Sump Pump Makes Strange Noises

When the sump pump starts making strange noises, it is usually a sign of some corrosion or accumulation of dirt within the system. It may lead to malfunctions in the sump pump and stop working with time. If this happens, contact a service provider.

3. The Pump Is Working But It Is Not Removing Water

Sometimes, you might find that the pump is working, but it isn’t removing water from the sump pit. It happens if the float switch does not function properly and there is no way to keep it dry. If this leakage occurs, make sure that you contact a service provider to fix the float switch.

4. Uneven Water Levels Within The Sump Pit

If you find water present within the sump pit, but the water levels are not consistent, it usually means that there is an issue with your pump’s impeller or something else which is causing the sump pump to stop spinning.

5. The Float Switch Is No Longer Working

Float switches are designed so that when there is too much water within the pit, they will automatically shut down the pump and prevent it from pumping more water into the hole.

If this doesn’t happen and you notice that your sump pump is still operating despite too much water within the sump pit, it means that your float switch has malfunctioned.

7 Potential Reasons for Your Sump Pump to Fail | Plumber in Lake Worth, TX - Benjamin Franklin Plumbing

6. There Is Excess Water Within The Sump Pit

It might happen every time the sump pump makes a sound when there is no more water present in the pit. It usually happens if you have a faulty sump pump or the float switch malfunctions. In either case, you must contact a service provider immediately.

7. The Pump Is Not Removing Water From Your Basement Or Crawl Space

If the basement or crawl space has too much water all of a sudden and the sump pump is not working correctly, it might be because you have a faulty sump pump. In such situations, you must seek help from a service provider.

8. The Pump Is Always Running Even When It Should Be Off

If the sump pump is working even when it should not be, there might be a problem with the circuit breaker. If it happens, make sure that you check the breaker and see if it has tripped or not. If it has tripped, switch it back on and check if the pump is still working.

9. There Is A Bad Odor Coming From The Sump Pit

If there is a foul odor coming from the sump pit, it usually means some blockage within your system or that you have a leaking problem. If this happens, don’t try to fix the issue yourself.

It is usually a better idea to contact an expert plumber.

10. Sewage Water Starts To Appear In Your Sump Pit

If sewage water starts to appear in the pit, it means something wrong with the sewage line or that you have experienced some flooding outside. If this happens, call a professional plumber as soon as possible. They can help you with the issue.

Final Thoughts

Sump pumps are designed in such a way that they can help you get rid of excess water. It is essential because water might create all sorts of problems within your basement or crawl space if it’s not removed quickly and efficiently.

If you suspect something is wrong with your sump pump, make sure that you contact an expert plumber in your locality.

A plumber has the right expertise and tools to handle any sump pump issues and get your water pumping efficiently.