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On-Campus Living vs. Off-Campus Living

On-Campus Living vs. Off-Campus Living

Going to college involves making many decisions, such as whether to go for a traditional campus or an online college, what to major in, and whether to live on campus or off-campus. Below are a few advantages and disadvantages between on-campus and off-campus living that can help insight your choice:

The Pros Of Living On Campus

Proximity To School

Living on campus means that you will always be close to your classes. Thus, you will not have to face the burden of commuting and its costs.


The dorms and apartments on campus have varying amenities, such as laundry machines and even rooftops for socializing.

Meal Plan

The majority of colleges will offer their students a meal plan option if they live on campus. With a meal plan, you get allocated meal points that you can use to purchase items in the college cafeterias and shops.

Constant Socializing

Living on campus maximizes your social opportunities as your peers are always near you. Whether it is your roommate or one you share a suit with.


The security level is always high with check-ins and door attendants. And even sometimes, security patrol to ensure the students are safe at all times.

Sleeping In

You get to sleep in more often since you are on campus and close to class. In early classes, you do not have to worry about the commuting time, waiting for a bus, or a place to park your car. You get out of bed, have a shower, and get to walk to class.

Housing Resources

Colleges today are equipped with many resources to make the transition of first-year students living on campus to adjust to the new environment easily. These resources include computer rooms and advising centers that make the transition seamless.

Downsides Of Living On Campus


It tends to be more costly than off-campus since the money paid is used for overhead costs of managing the school, amenities, and convenience.


You will not be in control of your privacy. You will also share common areas and bathrooms with your colleagues.

Focus Challenge

Concentration on your studies can be a little bit challenging. This is because of the many social activities, inconsiderate neighbors, parties, and even roommates.

On-Campus vs. Off-Campus Housing for College Students - Unilodgers

Housing Is Based On Classifications

In most colleges living on campus, you get organized depending on your age, gender, and year. Thus, it will most likely not be up to you the dorm or house you live in.


Be ready to expect roommates that you will share your space with.

The Pros Of Living Off-Campus


Whether you live alone or with roommates, you get to control your privacy. The Depot at Akron Student Apartments is one of the best off-campus living options to give you peace of mind. You can retreat to your room anytime you need privacy.

A Taste Of Independence And Adulthood

It will give you an added aura of growing up by surviving on fewer resources and learning to manage yourself.

You Get To Live Wherever You Desire

You have the freedom to select where you want to live, whether you will desire a place far or close to campus.

Save On Costs

If you find the right area to live in, it can be cheap and even cheaper if you get someone to share your space with.

The Downsides Of Living Off-Campus

Distance From School

Affordable houses from campus will be potentially far from school. Thus, it will add in extra commuting time and costs. And places that do not have reliable public transport you might need to rent out a car or use ride services. Therefore, you will need to be extremely conscious of time management.

More Responsibilities And Liabilities

Living costs are summed up together in the bills for those living on campus, including rent and food. Living off-campus, you have to care for rent, internet, water, electricity, and heat bills that you have to pay. You also need to pay the security deposit, furnishings, first month’s rent, appliances, and utilities.

Missed Chances

You get to miss the opportunity to experience different on-campus activities. You will also be isolated from your peers.

Use the above pros and cons between living on campus and living off-campus to help you decide which one best suits your needs.