Tuesday, March 18News That Matters

Four Reasons Your Business Needs an EICR Certificate

You should obtain periodic reviews of the health and integrity of your building’s electrical systems (an EICR certificate).

It allows preventative maintenance to be performed prior to problems escalating. The EICR quote includes Fixed Wire Testing for electrical installations that would otherwise degrade over time.

An in-depth inspection is carried out on the internal wiring of the building in contrast to the appliances or equipment connected to those installations. The BS7671 report specifies if the installation is satisfactory, if urgent work is necessary, or if a recommendation is made.

According to the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE), commercial properties should have an EICR every five years, or whenever there is a change of occupancy, whichever is sooner. Some businesses, such as those that are open to the public, may have a shorter period.

Why Would Your Business Need An Eicr And What Are The Benefits?

1. Comply With the Law and Meet Safety Needs

Safety and duty of care in the workplace are serious matters. The IET Wiring Regulations Seventeenth Edition (BS 7671) governs fixed wire testing as a legal requirement.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) also enforces the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

For each of these, relevant measures must be taken to prevent the risk of death or personal injury for employees. An EICR will help you fulfil your responsibilities in this area and work to prevent accidents caused by electrical installations.

These devices will be able to identify overloaded circuits that may cause breakers to trip frequently. Overloading is dangerous because it may lead to equipment damage, which can lead to further problems. Additionally, any previous electrical installation work that could have resulted in fire or shock hazards will be identified.

You will gain peace of mind as well as the ability to avert potential disasters in the future with an EICR.

2. Your Insurance May Need To Be Verified By Them

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs An EICR Certificate

Many insurance companies are requiring electrical testing and evidence of it as part of their policy conditions in the event of a claim. You may not receive a pay-out unless you have proof of electrical testing that shows your electrics are safe and have been tested regularly.

In this case, an EICR will help to demonstrate that an unfortunate incident was unavoidable and that you, as a business, made every effort to avoid it.

3. You will Save Money with Them

Through an EICR performed by a qualified and trained electrician, you can identify overloaded circuits or equipment that is overheating and wasting energy, potentially costing your business huge amounts in wasted energy.

You may be able to identify substantial savings with an EICR as well as recommendations for improved efficiency.

4. You Will Be Able To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With It

The improved efficiency recommendations can also suggest ways to reduce the energy consumption of your business by modifying lighting, heating, or energy monitoring. As a business, you will then be able to assess whether such recommendations are crucial to safety or if they can be implemented to gain additional benefits.