Tuesday, March 18News That Matters

Benefits of Reusable Plastic Crates for Transporting and Storing Fresh Produce

Fresh fruit and vegetables are among the best-selling food types, but they are also among the most sensitive. There is an interval of several days between the moment they are harvested in farms and the moment they end up on clients’ kitchen tables. During this time period, fresh produce must be preserved in specific temperatures, humidity, and ventilation conditions in order to remain edible and maintain all their nutritional properties. Logistic Packaging’s packaging experts have a simple yet effective solution for these products: reusable plastic crates.

Supply Chains Are Delicate and Complex

We recommend using reusable plastic packaging throughout the entire supply chain, not just for packing fruit and vegetables for shipping.

When fresh produce is placed in inadequate containers, they are crushed, bruised, or otherwise damaged, so a lot of it is lost at the earliest moment – during harvest time. There is no way to resell these products to end users, but they can be sold to canning factories, for a smaller price, of course.

Contrary to small pallet containers, large pallet containers have smooth inner walls and, when necessary, ventilated sides to provide optimal protection to even sensitive types of fresh fruit, such as cherries or grapes. When the products are ready for repackaging in smaller Obstkisten for shipping to stores, the large plastic containers can be stored safely in warehouses under controlled conditions (temperature, humidity).

Safety and freshness are not compromised with reusable plastic crates

6 Benefits for the fruit and vegetable sector with the use of the plastic pallet | Naeco

Nowadays, consumers are savvy and have many options for shopping. They know exactly what they want in every product, from the simplest (lettuce, tomatoes) to the more exotic (avocados, mango, papaya, etc.). They know how fresh produce looks and feels, and they will easily spot those that do not fit their needs.

Your products will remain fresh for a longer time when they are packed in reusable plastic crates. Consequently, you will maximise your chances of selling the entire quantity of fresh produce – or as much of it as possible.

The Logistic Packaging team identified these extremely important benefits as a result of many years of working closely with fresh fruit and vegetable producers and retailers:

1. Complete safety when transporting and storing

Plastic containers with reusable lids and walls are ventilated. Therefore, the fresh produce receives sufficient air to prevent mould and mildew from forming. Moreover, the smooth inner walls prevent marking even on the most sensitive and delicate products.

Additionally, our clients noted that the natural ventilation provided by the reusable plastic crates reduced their water consumption. To prevent wilting and dehydration, traditionally they sprinkled the produce with water.

2. Can be used in the cold chain

It is possible to transport reusable plastic crates in frigorific trucks without damaging them. Containers are made of virgin materials approved for food contact. As a result, your fresh fruit and vegetables don’t have a chance of absorbing dangerous chemicals.

3. Shelf life extension

Farming and the food industry packaging materials are designed to give you maximum benefits in every way. One specific area where our clients have noticed improvements is the average shelf life for fresh produce, from mushrooms to grapes and tomatoes.

Compared to other types of crates and boxes, these products lasted two days longer without showing any signs of wilting or going bad.