Wednesday, March 19News That Matters

5 Tips to Maintain Your Septic System in Good Condition

What’s the typical scenario that happens to most households when it comes to the septic system? Most often, it ends up being forgotten or, at the least, a less prioritised home maintenance investment. However, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s overlooked and needs proper care, upholding, and financing. 

To dispel this bad habit, here are 5 tips in maintaining your septic system in good condition.

 #1: Never Flush Garbage Down the Toilet

It’s true, and many people have grown accustomed to the idea that it’s perfectly alright to throw rubbish down the toilet. But, actions like these lead to an unhealthy septic system. How so? Well, rubbish has very high chances of clogging the septic tank. It’s always best to throw that garbage into the bins where it belongs.

 #2: Investing in the Right Garbage Disposal is Cost-Efficient

Garbage disposals are the most cost-efficient appliance that’ll help you maintain your home’s septic system in its best condition. These appliances grind up the food waste from the sink and effectively reduce kitchen clutter or possibly clog the system altogether. Of course, do the proper assessment that you do have the suitable type ideal for your kitchen. 

 #3: Avoid Pouring Grease Down the Drain!

It can be tempting at times, but by all means, avoid pouring grease down the drain! The chances that the oil will clog the septic tanks’ drain field are highly possible!

Did you know that grease is the most common reason causing back-ups? The fat hinders the absorption of liquids around the drain field, leading to disastrous aftermath. 

The drain field needs extra care as it ensures all water is side-tracked away from the soakage area. You’ll end up having to shell out more money to dig a new drain field than simply keeping the whole system healthy.

5 Tips To Prolong Your Septic System - Texway Wastewater Services

For the drain field, it’s helpful to set a landscape of grass and plants with shallow roots to the soakage area. And never, ever, park your cars on top of this area to avoid ruptured pipes. 

 #4: Household Chemical Isn’t Good for the Septic System

No matter how tired you are, always stop yourself from dumping household chemicals down the drain. These can either be paint, motor oil, pesticides, or even the famous potent cleaners.

Avoid at all costs as these chemicals kill bacteria that assist in breaking down the solids in your tank.

 #5: Pump it up and Do Regular Inspections 

It would be best if you discuss this with the septic system maintenance team regarding the frequency of the inspections. You can do this too, but for other situations, you may need a professional’s input. And, of course, the septic system has to undergo intended maintenance every 3 to 5 years.

These are the five simple, easy, and efficient tips to keep your home’s septic system in its best working condition. You can acquire these services from 24 hour plumbing and heating service providers located near you.